This was my 2
nd Sun Tech Days in Atlanta on January 9-10 held at Cobb Galleria. Actually technically Jan 9
th was
Netbeans Day and Jan 10
th was Tech Days. As usual Sun does a great job putting together an information packed day with plenty of sessions that go into some depth on new developments with both
Netbeans and Java
EE and Java SE. Netbeans is Sun's free open source IDE which has been dramatically improved in this latest release with version 6.0. Other new technologies hightlighted included JavaFx the Java equivilent of Microsoft's Silverlight and Adobe Flash and JRuby which is a pure-Java implementation of the
Ruby programming language. Open Solaris is covered extensively as well but being a developer I tend to concentrate on
Netbeans and Java technologies. One session I enjoyed was a basic intro to Ruby on Rails development. This year the highlight for me was hearing James Gosling (inventor of Java) speak and answer questions. Someone asked a question comparing Ruby and Python to Java and it was interesting from James response it seems to me he really likes both languages. Another interesting question was why .Net coders are so much more efficient than java coders. James answer was that many java coders don't use the new tools like
Netbeans and so are unable to compete with
developers using tools like Visual Studio. The most interesting question was "what is your favorite java application"? In response James described Brazil's national
health care system which is written in Java. Amazing every citizen in Brazil is covered by this system including the indigent peoples living deep in the Amazon jungle. They all have bar coded ID cards and their medical records are all electronic available anytime anyplace. I thought about this as I visited my
doctor this week and filled out the same piece of paper with the same information that I seem to do over and over again in the USA health care system. Maybe Java is the answer?