Sunday, January 21, 2007

Atlanta Codecamp

The Winter 07 Atlanta Codecamp was a great success with 290 attendees. The day long event was held on Saturday, January 30th at DeVry's Decatur campus. I've attended all three Atlanta codecamps and this one was definitely the best so far, although all of the Atlanta codecamps have been outstanding experiences in terms of value and inspiration. These camps are run by volunteer organizers and presenters. All of the sessions I attended were packed and sometimes so full you couldn't get a seat. Each breakout consisted of 4-5 parallel sessions lasting approximately one hour. The sessions I attended over the course of the day were "Windows SharePoint Services v3: Feature and Solution Frameworks" by Dan Attis, "Building Document Management Solutions using Windows SharePoint Services v3.0 Content Types" by John Holliday, "Developing N-Tier Applications" by Jonas Stawski, "How To Build Windows Services Apps—Revealing Warts and All!" by Wallace Allison, and "Designing SOA Solutions with Biztalk, SQL Server, and WCF" by Mark Dunn & Mark Berry.

Although hundreds of prizes...books, shirts, software, etc. were given away once again I didn't win a thing. This has to be some kind of record as I have attended all three Atlanta Codecamps and seem to be practically the only person not winning a single raffle prize. Some people leave carrying an armload of swag. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining at all. I don't attend to win prizes. I just think it's a little weird to be so unlucky in these raffle drawings. But I'll definitely be at the next Atlanta Codecamp prizes or not. Who knows maybe my luck will change?

Thanks to all of the volunteers and sponsors who made codecamp a great experience.

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