Thursday, April 5, 2007

Integrated Innovation - a Microsoft Partner Event

Several times per year I try to attend local Microsoft partner events. Yesterday (Wednesday April 4th) I attended an event sponsored by Microsoft partners Thoughtbridge, Omnivue, and CustomerEffective called Integrated Innovation. It was basically a high level overview of Microsoft CRM, Great Plains, and MOSS (Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server) focused on integration of the three products. Highlights of the luncheon was the lunch itself, held at Ruth Chris Steakhouse in Buckhead. Even though I had the salmon not steak the meal was awesome with creamed spinach and au gratin potatoes and some kind of chocolate mousse desert that was out of this world (not to mention huge). I also met some interesting new people (technology executives) as the seating was very cozy (elbow to elbow). Attending the event was worth the time as there are always things to be learned. Even if the core material is high level I still gain value from seeing how these events are organized and presented. Good to know when I host my own events here at Georgia Tech.

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