Sunday, October 5, 2008

Web Master Jam Session 2008

Had a great time at Web Master Jam Session - a two day conference held this year in Atlanta on Oct 3-4. This was my first time attending this conference and I would definitely repeat. 

Speakers all seemed to be professional web developers and designers who were good at providing insights into issues and techniques for building world class professional web sites. 

Some of the sessions I attended were

There was a general session "Web site smackdown" where a panel of experts criquited submitted websites. Another general session was really interesting as Mike Culver, web services evangelist at Amazon Web Services, spoke about Amazon Mechanical Turk

The venue for the conference was pretty cool...a place I haven't been in Atlanta called the Loudermilk Center located on Courtland near the Georgia State campus. 

One of the best outcomes of the conference for me was starting to follow many of the speakers now on twitter so every day I'm picking up new tips and tricks from this group...kind of like the gift that keeps on giving. 

Since the main sponsor, Coffee Cup Software, has moved their headquarters from Dallas to Atlanta the conference will probably be held in Atlanta next year I'm guessing. Hope I get to attend.  

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