Sunday, March 15, 2009

2009 Atlanta CodeCamp

The fifth Atlanta Codecamp was held at Gwinnett College in LawrencevilleGA on March 14th. Codecamp is always held on a Saturday and lasts all day....8am until 6pm. This year the weather in Atlanta cooperated...cold and it wasn't too hard giving up my Saturday to attend. Highlights for me included the Doug Ware session about running Sharepoint server on Amazon Web Services, and other sessions on Intro to Azure, alternate membership providers for Sharepoint, and ASP.NET 4.0 Ajax. Even with the bad economy there was a pile of swag to give away at the end of the day. I was lucky enough to win a 5 lb book on Sharepoint 2007 development. Codecamp is a wonderful event attended by passionate coders who can't think of anything better than spending all day Saturday soaking up new knowledge and making new tech friends. Looking forward to next year. 

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